Thursday, January 31, 2008

Silverlight 2.0 is coming

Silverlight 2.0 is coming. It' s originally called Silverlight 1.1. I don't why they changed the name into 2.0. rrr....

The cool thing in Silverlight 2.0 is :
  • Include CLR as .Net Framework 3.0 (so you can use code behind in / C#
    Base Class Library (BCL) provides classes for collections, reflection, regex, string handling, data access

  • Dynamic Language runtime in media files
    The first available languages written for the DLR are Iron Python 2.0 and Managed JScript.
    Microsoft is also building Iron Ruby and Dynamic Visual Basic (VBx) languages.

    Conversely, other .NET languages must be compiled ahead of time and delivered to Silverlight as .NET assemblies. The implementation of Managed JScript conforms to the ECMA Script 3.0 specification, and Microsoft claims that it is 250 times faster than interpreted JScript.

  • Extensible controls
  • XML Web Services - Data access over XML-based Web Service and WCF ( POX, REST, JSON )
  • Networking
  • LINQ API ( full support for LINQ to Objects and Expression Trees)
  • WPF model (Shapes, document, media and animation objects)

The current release, the UI controls do not have support for databinding to any data source. But, Microsoft has clarified that the limitations are due to this being an early preview release. Future releases will add more than 20 UI controls add two-way databinding support, and automated layout management as well as data manipulation controls such as data grid.

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